The Story The gang find that all there nightmares are coming to life after a boys nightmare about spiders becomes real. The worst thing is though its not just happening to them or just the school, its happening to the whole of Sunnydale, every single persons nightmare is becoming real. When Buffy keeps seeing a young boy around she starts to wonder who he is and why he turns up whenever someone nightmare comes true. So she goes to investigate and with the help of the gang they find out that his name was Billy and that he was in a coma after being badly beaten up. They figure out that it must be Billy's nightmare world that has spilt over into reality. So Buffy talks to him to try to find out what hes so scared of and why this big ugly man in his nightmare world keeps beating everyone up. The gangs nightmare all come to life aswell and unortunatley Buffy's worst nightmare was The Master rising and her being turned into a vampire by him and it came true. So with not a lot of time to loose before Buffy needed to feed, they go to the hospital and Buffy talks to Billy and helps him to overcome his fear, once he did the world went back to normal and Billy woke up. They also found out that it was Billy little league coach that beat him up just because he missed the ball and they lost the game. He tried to run but they stopped him.
The Nastys There are no real Villans in this episode, except the coach who put Billy in a coma and The Master who took advantage of the situation.
The Funnies (Xander about Cordelia)
Xander: "Wendal. what is wrong with you, dont you know that she is the center of the uniberse and the rest of us just mearly revolve around her"
(When xander walked into class with no clothes on)
Willow: "Xander! What happened to your...?!"
Xander: "I,I,I dunno! I was, uh, dressed a minute ago! It's a dream. It's gotta be a dream. Ow! Wake up. Ow! Gotta wake up."
(Willow and Xander)
Willow: "When Buffy was a vampire, you weren't still, like, attracted to her, were you?"
Xander: "Willow, how can you... I mean, that's really bent! She was... grotesque!"
Willow: "Still dug her, huh?"
Xander: "I'm sick, I need help."
Willow: "Don't I know it."
The Tear-Jerkers Sorry haven't done this bit yet The Magic None in this episode The Cast
Buffy - Sarah Micheele Gellar
Willow - Alyson Hannigan
Xander - Nicholas Brendon
Giles - Anthony Stewart Head
Joyce - Kritsine Sutherland
Billy - Jeremy Foley
Hank Summers - Dean Butler
The Master - Mark Metcalf
The Annointed One - Andrew J Ferchland
The Creators Writer - Joss Whedon
Writer - David Greenwalt
Director - Bruce Seth Green The Reviews If you would like to place your review of this episode on this page please leave a message.