Hacking in the UK

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Hacking in the UK is practiced(generally in secret) by a large part of the population. Well, larger than you may think. Underground Magazines like APT(http://www.net22.freeserve.co.uk/apt/), A-S (http://www.cjb.antisocial.net/) and SWAT magazine(http://www.swateam.com) legally provide information on underground topics like hacking and phreaking(phone hacking).

Visits to sites like www.infowar.co.uk show that hacking tips are freely available for such varied subjects as getting free phone calls to cracking passwords.

Another site www.happyhacker.org offers a "wargaming network" where hackers can test their skills. In an interview that I performed with Carloyn Meinel, head of happyhacker.org and target of the high profile New York Times hack, described it as "midnight basketball for hackers".

If anyone wants any more information on Hacking in the Uk then download the latest issue of APT magazine from...

or email me at:
[email protected]

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The Mad Nutter.

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