My God - The Power of the Guide!

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Did I just wake up?
It is from Colbert and the mad nutters at The Daily Show that I made the leap after being a humble contributor and researcher at virtual here since 1999 and the Y2K hoax.

Now there will never, admittedly, be an army of Douglas Adamses. But such is the wit and legacy. One, to be succinct and respectful, is bad enough.

Imagine this - as I type with BBCWorld in the background from the seamy convenience of my insufficient Philadephia flat. The headlines if Douglas Adams were composing them?

I keep on here at the Guide, knowing the old adage of the science fiction writer: Truth is Stranger than Fiction, Because Diction Has To Make Sense.

Imagine the headlines of these days, were the beloved Douglas Adams still alive? Dodi and Diana, George and Tony and the other celebrity couples of our early 21st c. -- how would Mr. Adams have approached them? I'm going to consider that in everything that I contribute to the Guide from now on.

I dare to mention the idea that Douglas Adams could eventually topple Tolkien as the most influential and wise writer of Britain's modern period.

Why Adams is not taken seriously is simply the fact that he was a humourist. But I could go out on a limb and call him the English Mark Twain. All of his created and contrived extraterrestrials, Eccentrica Gallumbits, Ford Prefect, Zaphod and so on are meant to be nods to human culture with all its diversity. By blowing up the planet and then going on with the story, Adams, I suggest, was making a statement about...the infinite diversity reflected in the human situation.

And with that in mind, I return you to the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy. It was just a little joke that Doug told, and I still miss him. He was basically a good writer with a philosophical bent that stands the test of time.

But: is the Guide being underutilized as a medium, or am I simply being underpaid?

The answers in a moment. Now this!

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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