Created | Updated Jun 26, 2004
(WELCOME TO THE HELLMOUTH- Buffy in her interview with the principle)
Flutie: "You burned down the gym?"
Buffy: "I did, I really did, but you're not getting the big picture here, that gym was full of vamp...spestos"
(WELCOLM TO THE HELLMOUTH - Buffy before she new that Sunnydale was on the hellmouth)
"Oh come on this is Sunnydale how bad an evil can there be here?"
"You're like a text book with arms!"
(THE HARVEST - Buffy explaining how you get turned)
"To make you a vampire they have to suck your blood. And then you have to suck their blood. It's like a whole big sucking thing. Mostly they're just gonna kill you"
(WITCH - Buffy when she was acting all drunk-like from the spell)
"Hmm, I know you don't, that's 'cause you're my friend. You're my Xander-shaped friend!"
(NEVER KILL A BOY ON THE FIRST DATE - Buffy attempting to go on a date)
"If the apocalypse comes, beep me"
(NEVER KILL A BOY ON THE FIRST DATE - Buffy when cordelia was trying to get Owen)
"Cordy..Owen and I would like to be alone right now and for that to happen you need to be somewhere...well...thats away!"
(THE PACK - Buffy to Giles)
"I cannot believe that you, of all people, are trying to Scully me. There is something supernatural at work here. Get your books! Look stuff up!"
(ME ROBOT YOU JANE - Buffy to the gang about the Malcolm situation)
"Besides, I can just tell something's wrong. My spider sense is tingling."
(ANGEL - Buffy when Giles lets her have a crossbow)
"ooohh Crossbow, Goodbye stakes, hello flying fatality."
(NIGHTMARES - Vamp-Buffy to the big scary ugly man)
"Scary! I'll tell you something, though. There are a lot scarier things than you. And I'm one of them."
(OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND - Buffy to Giles)
"I Think I speak for everyone, when I say....huh?"
(PROPHECY GIRL - Buffy after saleying her third vamp)
"huh! three in one night. Giles would be so proud"
(PROPHECY GIRL - Buffy after The Master killed her)
Master: "You're dead!"
Buffy: "I may be dead, but I'm still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you."
Master: "You were destined to die! It was written!"
Buffy: "What can I say? I flunked the written."
(PROPHECY GIRL - Buffy after she killed the Master)
"Sure! We saved the world. I say we party!"
(WHEN SHE WAS BAD - Buffy to a vamp)
"So are you gonna kill me or are we just making small talk?"
(WHEN SHE WAS BAD - Buffy to Cordelia)
"Cordelia, your mouth is open and sound is coming from it. This is never good"
(WHEN SHE WAS BAD - Buffy to Angel)
"Could you contemplate getting over yourself for a second? There's no 'us'. Look, Angel, I'm sorry if I was supposed to spend the summer mooning over you, but I didn't. I moved the living!"
"Are you crazy? You don't just sneak up on people in a graveyard. You make noise when you walk. You stomp or... yodel!"
(SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED - Buffy about Giles car)
"One of these days youre gonna have to get a grown-up car"
(INCA MUMMY GIRL - Buffy to Giles)
"Oh! I know this one! Slaying entails certain sacrifices, blah, blah, bity blah, I'm so stuffy, gimme a scone"
(LIE TO ME - Buffy to Ford right before the vampires come)
"What I see is that right after the sun goes down, Spike and all of his friends are going to be pigging out at the all-you-can-eat moron bar"
(WHATS MY LINE PART ONE - Buffy about her realationship with Angel)
"Ok then a regular kid and her cradle-robbing, creature of the night boyfriend"
(WHATS MY LINE PART ONE - Buffy after hiceskating)
"The Hellmouth presents: Dead Guys On Ice. Not exactly the evening we were aiming for."
(WHATS MY LINE PART TWO - Buffy when Spike kidnapped Angel)
"You can attack me, you can send assasins after me, thats fine....but nobody messes with my boyfriend"
(SUPPRISE PART ONE - Buffy to a vampire stealing a box)
"Everytime I see you, you're stealing something, you really shouls speak to someone about this clepto issue"
(SUPPRISE PART ONE - Buffy to Willow)
"You think he's too old 'cause he's a senior? Please. My boyfriend had a bicentennial"
"Welcome to the mystery that is men. I think it goes something like, they grow body hair, they lose all ability to tell you what they really want"
"Impulsive? Do you remember my ex-boyfriend, the vampire? I slept with him, he lost his soul, now my boyfriend's gone forever, and the demon that wears his face is killing my friends. The next impulsive decision I make will involve my choice of dentures"
(GO FISH - Buffy when the swim team were turning intro sea creatures)
"I think we better find the rest of the swim team and lock them up before they get in touch with their inner halibut"
(ANNE - Buffy trying to get into the shelter)
"You know, I just... I woke up, and I looked in the mirror, and I thought, hey, what's with all the sin? I need to change. I'm... I'm dirty. I'm, I'm bad with the... sex and the envy and that, that loud music us kids listen to nowadays. W...Oh, I just suck at undercover"
Ken: "That... was not... permitted"
Buffy: "Yeah, but it was fun!"
"All right, yes, date and shop and hang out and go to school and save the world from unspeakable demons. You know, I wanna do girlie stuff!"
"Hello, my life, how I've missed you"
(BEAUTY AND THE BEASTS - Buffy about her councellor)
"He definatley marches to the beat of his own drummer...actually I think he makes his own drums"
(BEAUTY AND THE BEASTS - Buffy to Debbie)
"It's tricky covering a fresh shiner like that, you know what works?......Dont get hit!"
"Giles at sixteen? Less Together Guy, more Bad-Magic-Hates-The-World-Ticking-Time-Bomb Guy"
(THE WISH - Alternate reality Buffy to Giles)
"I don't play well with others. Now, I'm gonna ask you this once, and then I'm gonna get testy"
(GINGERBREAD - Buffy to her mum)
"No. It's just... This hall is about school, and you're about home. Mix them, my world dissolves"
"I'm way off my game. My game's left the country. It's in Cuernavaca!"
(HELPLESS - Buffy to Giles about cleansing auras)
"Okay, so how do you know if one's aura is dirty? Somebody come along with a finger and write 'wash me' on it"
(BAD GIRLS - Buffy when the vamps try to drown her)
"I hate it when they drown me!"
"Okay, we got ten, maybe twelve bad guys, and one big demon in desperate need of a stairmaster"
"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your...HOLY GOD you're Willow"
"No mouth means no teeth...unless they have them somewhere else"
"Is this the thing? The aspect thing? Because I gotta say, if it is, it s way better than a tail. I mean, I have a hard enough time finding jeans that fit right"
(EARSHOT - Buffy nearly burning Angel)
"Ooh, sorry. Sorry about the daytime. I just ducked out of school and thats when they have it"
(EARSHOT - Buffy to Giles when she finds out he slept with her mum)
"Sure, we can work after school, you know, if you're not too busy having sex with my mother!"
"Unfortunately, that's all I could get out of my informant before his aggressive tendencies forced me to introduce him to Mr. Pointy"
"If someone could just wake me when it s time to go to college, that d be great"
"Sorry, 'Miss I-Chose-My-Major-in-Playgroup'."
"Alright. Why don't you quit hiding and come out and face me like a ... thing."
"So what I'm wondering is, does this always happen? Sleep with a guy and he goes all evil?"
"I was just thinking about the life of a pumpkin. Grow up in the sun, happily entwined with others, and then someone comes along, cuts you open, and rips your guts out."
(WILD AT HEART - Buffy to a vamp)
"You know very well, you eat this late... (stakes him)... you're gonna get heartburn. Get it? Heartburn? (He turns to dust) That's it? That's all I get? One lame-ass vamp with no appreciation for my painstakingly thought out puns. I don't think the forces of darkness are even trying."
"Oz, you OK? I mean, if it's possible, you seem more monosyllabic than usual."
(PANGS - Buffy about the shumash tribe)
"I like my evil like I like my men....EVIL!"
(DOOMED - Buffy trying to explain to Riley what a slayer was)
"Slay-er?.. chosen one?.. She who hangs out a lot in cemetaries?....You're kidding me! Ask around, look it up, Slayer comma The!"
"This is nice having everyone together for my birthday, of course you could smash all my toes with a sledge hammer and it'd still be the bestest Buffy birthday bash in a long while"
(GOODBYE IOWA - Buufy to Willow about Adam)
"Will, You havn't seen this guy, he's like the terminator but without the bashfull charm"
(WHERE WILD THINGS ARE - Buffy to Riley when fighting a vamp and a demon)
"Ok you get fang, I'll get horny....I mean..."
(BUFFY VS DRACULA - Buffy to Dracula before she kicks his butt)
"You know, I really think the trawl ahs gone out of our relationship"
(BUFFY VS DRACULA - Buffy when she stakes Dracula for a second time)
"You think I dont watch your movies? You always come back"
(REAL ME - Buffy to Harmony after she kidnapped Dawn)
"Harmony..When you tried to be head cheerleader, you were bad!...When you tried to chair the homecoming committee, you were really bad!...but when you try to be bad...You suck!"
(OUT OF MY MIND Buffy when Spike kidnapped Rileys doctor)
"No, but theres one peroxide pest who's numbers up!"
(CHECKPOINT - Buffy out the watcher council)
"It's just..I trust these watcher's about as far as.......You could throw them"
(CHECKPOINT - Buffy when Giles gets all excited about books)
"Don't talk about books get all....and sometimes there's drool"
(CRUSH - Buffy to her mum about Spike being inlove with her)
"Well I do beat him up a lot, for Spike thats like third base!"
(CRUSH - Buffy to Spike)
"What part of punching you in the face did you not understand!"
(CRUSH - Buffy to her mum when she asks for some advise)
"Oh no! Love doctor Buffy is not in. Im not qualified to give dating advise. I've had exactly two boyfirends and they both left...really left...left town left!"
(I WAS MADE TO LOVE YOU - Buffy to Giles, when he was stuck babysitting Dawn)
"We'll if it makes you feel any better, my fun-time Buffy party night, involved watching a robot throw Spike trough a window, so if you wanna wait..I wouldnt give up that memory for anything"
(I WAS MADE TO LOVE YOU - Buffy to Warren about his robot girlfriend)
"She growls...You made her so she growls?"
(FLOODED - Buffy to Giles when he asked her how she was)
"Yeah you know, sleepings hard, just caus of the whole waking up in a box thing"
(TABULA RASA - Buffy about Spike)
"So much easier to talk to when he was trying to kill me"
(AS YOU WERE - Buffy after she slept with Spike and noticed that his cript looked like a bomb hit it)
"We missed the bed again"
(AS YOU WERE - Buffy when she meets Riley's wife)
"Husband?...Wife?...and those arnt code words like big dog or falcon or....I didn't think so"
(ENTROPY - Buffy to a vamp right before she stakes him)
"Not bad, how hard you gonna hit when youre blowing in the wind?"
(Buffy after she staked him and he kicked her across the graveyard)
"Ow! That was retorical"
(SAME TIME SAME PLACE - Buffy when Spike was tracking blood)
"Its pretty easy, Spike follws the exciting smaell of blood and we follow the rarly ripe smell of Spike"
(SHOWTIME - Buffy about Andrew)
"He's not evil, but when he gets close to it, he picks up its flavour like a....mushroom or something"
(END OF DAY - Buffy to Dawn)
"If you get killed I'm telling"
(CHOSEN - Buffy to Spike about Spike and Angel getting jelous)
"One of these days Im just gonna put the two of you in room and let you wrestle it out...mmm maybe ther could be oil of somekind involved"
(CHOSEN - Buffy about the scyth)
"It slices, it dices and makes julian preacher"