Kit Cars

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If anyone out there was wondering what one of these things was I'll explain.

A kit car is just about anything you want it to be, there is a massive variety of kits available, from sports cars that look and go like a group 'c' race car (check out Ultima cars), to little funny things with three wheels and an engine the size of a matchbox. There are cars of alsorts in between, futuristic, nostalgic, 4x4, grandtourers, and replicas of famous marques.

There are several ways of getting one of these, these...vehicles.
You can buy a kit and build it yourself. Some kit manufacturers will supply all the parts, or you can buy just the bare kit, and finish it off with an engine, and other bits that you find yourself in scrapyards, your mums car, the classified section of the local paper. The end result is something you built and can be proud of (or hide in the garage out of sight of sensible people).
Or you can ask someone else to build it for you, and pay them a heap of money.
Or you could just buy a kit car from the multitude advertised for sale. Some people just love building the things, and then only drive them a short distnce before the urge to build another one overwhelms them, and they have to sell that lovely shiny car to make room and raise cash. This option is an excellent plan, as these people spend a fortune building the car, and then sell it on for far less than the cost of the parts alone!
However you get one there great fun and a lot different from the clones on offer from the big car makers.

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