How to Write an Article When You're Not Feeling Particularly Inspired

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Wow, I can't even think of a good opening sentence this time. Oh well. Looks like this paragraph is doomed already. I'll put the poor sod out of its misery.

Now, the first thing to do when you have no inspiration is to force it. Take the first thing that pops into your head (no matter how trite it may be) and choke it until it spits out a couple of paragraphs.

See? That was easy. All you have to do now is keep it up for a while. You might have to type "sdfgljkhs" and "sdfljhsdfjh" for a few minutes, but once you're on a roll, the rest of the article should vomit itself onto the screen without too much fuss.

Here are a few ideas for how you can pad out your masterpiece to make it look as though it actually has content. Are you ready? Okay, here we go.

[1] Make lists.
[2] Repeat stuff you've already said but phrase it differently.
[3] Add superfluous waffle such as "Are you ready?" and "Okay, here we go."
[4] See point two (above).

Most people have fairly short attention spans, so finish the article before they lose interest altogether. Say something about the millennium and then wrap it up. Come on, get moving. Mush! Mush!

Concluding paragraphs are pretty easy to write. They need a succint bit at the start, an informative bit in the middle, and a pithy bit at the end (stupid catch phrases are more than adequate). Pure punk rock, man. Pure punk rock. ;-)

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