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The first slayer was created


A slayer named Thessily is called in Greece


A slayer in Rome is called


The slayer in Rome died

YEAR 879

Anyanka is born

YEAR 980

A slayer in Japn is called Name Kishi Minimoto

YEAR 1150

Aurelius prophecises The coming of the annointed one

YEAR 1200

The Order of the Dragon are founded

Anya witnessed an Accension in the Kastla Valley

YEAR 1320

A slayer in France married her watcher

YEAR 1350

A In Europe is killed by Lothos

YEAR 1397

Heinrich Joseph Nest (The Master) is sired.

YEAR 1440

The Pagamon Codex goes missing

YEAR 1557

Slayer Cassie Marsilka is called in Greece

YEAR 1580

Anya meets Dracula

YEAR 1600

A Japenese slayer allows herself to be turn into a vampire by The Master

YEAR 1609

The Master sires Darla

YEAR 1692

Anya watches the Salem witch trials

YEAR 1700

A slayer in hong kong is killed by Lothos

YEAR 1720

There is an Ascension in Sharpesville

YEAR 1727

Liam is born in Gallaway, Ireland

YEAR 1753

Liam is sired by Darla and becomes known as Angelus/Angel

YEAR 1760

Angelus is introduced to The Master

YEAR 1817

An English slayer called Justine and her watcher, Claire are killed

YEAR 1860

Angelus Turns Drusilla into a vampire

YEAR 1880

William is turned by Drusilla and later becomes know as William the Bloody/Spike

YEAR 1898

Angelus is cursed with a soul by gypsies in Romania

YEAR 1899

Sunnydale is founded

YEAR 1900

Spike kills a slayer called Xin Rong in Hong Kong

YEAR 1917

Angel moves to America

YEAR 1933

Xin Rongs brothers try to kill Spike and drusilla

YEAR 1952

Angel is staying at the Hypherion Hotel in LA room 217

YEAR 1954

Rupert Giles is born

YEAR 1958

Joyce Summers is born

YEAR 1964

Giles is told of his destiny to become a watcher

YEAR 1969

Spike goes to Woodstock

YEAR 1975

Giles rebels against his destiny and turns to the black arts and raises a demon called Eyghon

YEAR 1976

Ben/Glory is born

YEAR 1977

Spike kills the slayer Nikki Wood in New York

YEAR 1980

Giles formerlly becomes a watcher

YEAR 1981

Buffy Summers is born

YEAR 1982

Willow rosenburg is born
Xander Harris is born

YEAR 1996

Buffy Summers is called to be a slayer

YEAR 1997

Buffy moves to Sunnydale.

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