Honda Bros

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BROS, Species-Honda, Genus-Two wheeled Motorcycle

With an alloy beam frame, single sided swing arm and low classic lines the Honda Bros is a fine looking animal and back in the early 1990's was a very rare sight on the shores of Britain. Not a native of this country it comes from the island of Japan where its small stature and relatively hi-tech components blended well with the local flauna and fauna.

It is closely related to the Honda Hawk of North America and can only be distinguished by it's centre stand. It is also a more distant cousin of the old Honda Revere ( although in the topsy turvey way of things the Bros actually developed first) which was a favourite steed of the motorcycle couriers that frequented London. As they were cheaper to aquire than the local Revere they were snapped up by these couriers and a veritable industry sprang up bringing these creatures over by the crate load. There must have been hunters in Japan offering silly money to locals for their "old" pets.

So many came over that you could even hire them by the day if you could not afford one of your own. This practice has continued and to this day you can see them darting around the streets of London. Strangely though they have never wandered very far from this original nest and are still very rare around the rest of the country. Whether this has anything to do with them sharing the same name as a 1980's pop group has never been proved.

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