Due South

3 Conversations

Due South is an excellent Canadian TV series that has been shown by the BBC in the past, although right now they aren't letting us see the latest episodes (but that is by the way). I want to explain why I love Due South; it is about a Mountie called Benton Fraser, played by Paul Gross, who ends up in Chicago, where his special survival skills for living in the wilderness are not ideal, but he brings a new refreshing approach to life in a city. He is very polite and always gives people a chance to prove their worth. He brings out the best in people and he also uses non-violent methods of persuasion whenever he can. The most impressive thing was when he challenged someone with a gun, saying "I don't think you really want to shoot me" or something like that. Of course, the person didn't shoot. We don't know what would have happened in real life, but I like the idea of challenging rather than being violent in return. Fraser ends up as a partner to Chicago cop Ray Vecchio who is supposedly hardened, but he is won over by Fraser's different approach. It is a woderfullly different approach to cop drama. Anyone who hasn't seen it, beg the BBC to show it again!!

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