Collecting videoes in the UK

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Video collecting in the UK is a simple enough pursuit. Go into a shop, buy a video and walk out. You have a video collection

Of course, it would be a crap collection if there was only one video in it, so you need to buy more.....

What you need is a guide to buying and looking after videoes, and some handy tips on collecting them

Good places to shop

Boot Fairs

2 out of 5

Personally, I have found MANY bargains at car boot fairs, but I am surprised that in a place where you're supposed to get a bargain, they are charging £3-£4 for videoes when I can get them a lot cheaper in "normal" shops. You also can't return faulty videoes or ask for your money back if you have any other problems. On the other hand, you are likely to be able to haggle a bit and you might even find a good video selling for 50p and when you get it home it is fine. I have found a few like that.

Cash Converters
3 out of 5

Cash Converters is a good place to go if you've got a ton of cash and you want to buy a bulk load of videoes, as they have a great selection of videoes to choose from. Also, they have a flat rate for all videoes. My local store charges £3 a video or £10 for 4 and that have around 3-400 videoes to choose from. They also work on a lay-by scheme* BUT they don't usually provide this for videoes. If you're buying enough, they may do tho. If you become a regular customer there, the shop assistants may even keep a few videoes under the counter for you to collect and pay for later.

Independant secondhand shops
5 out of 5

My local secondhand shop has a small selection of videoes (about 20) but the owner there knows me very well so I get a lot more than I would womewhere else. The prices I pay are £2 each but I get special deals sometimes. As I know the owner so well, I get to put videoes away to pay for them when I have the money. There are thousands of these shops in the world. One such shop is "cheapie cheapies" in Soho, with thousands of videoes for sale at prices from a few quid to £50+. Their choice is varied and wild, but so are the prices. Shops like this are good for getting a few specific films for your collection, but not for getting a ton of new films

Video/film fairs
4 out of 5

I've never personally been to one, so I can't really comment too much, but the basic idea behind film fairs is that people sell you hard-to-get videoes at high prices. These are usually collectible videoes, for instance out of print and/or banned or ones only available in other countries

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