Meglomania - What it is and how to do it.

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Meglomania is ther need for power over everyone and everything. It is a very easy condition to obtain - just think the following mantra three times every minute "I am the leader of the world. These people are worthless."1 Within hours, you could be a meglomaniac too.

Closet Meglomaniacs

Some people are closet meglomaniacs2, but very few take this rewarding hobby further.
It has many benefits, including:
  1. Your self esteem goes up
  2. Your own perception of your height goes up
  3. Your own expectancy of life goes up
  4. You find yourself able to ignore boring people who are nevertheless your superiors in status
and many more, too numerous to mention (try putting your ideas on the forum).
1It is not advisable to think this out loud, as people may take offence.2Some people think all people are closet meglomaniacs

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