Book Review - The Celebrated Cases of Sherlock Holmes

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The Celebrated Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Omnibus Edition)

"My dear Watson, I cannot emphasize to you the splendour of this book"

Over time, from the numerous crime stories that have emerged, none have been solved with the simple, yet sophisticated, logic for which Sherlock Holmes is famous for.

The Celebrated Cases of Sherlock Holmes comprises six novels, all of which are set in criminal-ridden nineteenth-century London in all her glory. The novels have been written with the greatest skill and ingenuity by their author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The first three novels included in this omnibus edition – The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes and The Return of Sherlock Holmes – consist of about twelve short stories each. A Study in Scarlet recounts the stunning tale of murder and betrayal, which ends in a way that is unexpected from that in which it starts. The Sign of Four is the case of a classic jewellery theft, and, finally, The Hound of the Baskervilles is a mysterious story in which it is narrated how a wealthy family is haunted by the curse of a blood-thirsty hound.

Although the stories do seem to drag on at some points, the pace of the narrative will always pick up. The cases are all original thrillers which are not beleaguered with simple murders and jewellery thefts, for which crime writing seems to be omnipresent with. A twist is what any good story needs, and this book does not compromise. An inexplicable mystery does seem to hang over every narrative like a shroud; although this does add to the grandeur of the book.

Basic morals are expressed throughout these stories that are reminiscent of any crime writings (although we may forget for the moment Holmes drug taking, which, among other things, common sense would dictake people to do otherwise), for instance, the age-old cliché of “crime doesn’t pay,” does shine through. Doyle has also expressed his disdain for the way that police carried out investigations in the eighteenth century; although, as a result of this, methods have been changed worldwide throughout many police forces, including the FBI.

This book can be enjoyed by almost anyone of a mediocre reading ability; however, the condemned person must be prepared to read all seven-hundred and ninety-nine pages this volume has to offer.


Book Details

Title: The Celebrated Cases of Sherlock Holmes

Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Books included in omnibus: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four and The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Publisher: Octopus Books

Original date of publication: 1981

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