Mouse Mats

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A foam based, plastic topped pad about 20cm x 27cms.
These mats almost definitely have either some kind of advertisement for a computer manufacturer or a pair of large breasts printed on their surface often accompanied by sticky rings of coffee/tea/coke residue. Apart from being expensive and elaborate coasters they are used for the maneuvering upon of the electronic device known as the 'mouse'. This 'mouse' is a temperamental instrument, which links your hand to a computer allowing you to navigate with speed through your computer. A small malfunction in all 'mice' causes the movement of pointer to ineffably come to an abrupt halt mere millimeters from the desired button despite the continued movement of the mouse upon mat. Whether or not this is directly related to the phenomenon of the 'mouse mat numb patch' in which all control over mouse movement becomes lost many have speculated, some say it is merely an intelligent (and incredibly stubborn) part of the computer program which makes you think twice about whether the button in question is really your desired choice.
Mouse mats have a tendency to group together and often end up sitting on desks in pairs though the desk opposite remains without.
To solve this problem many people have taken to making home made mouse mats- the favorite, and probably most reliable, being the sticky back plastic coated text book, though thin card folders or dividers are very good also as they also provide a very handy note pad, which can be cheaply and easily replaced when space has been filled. The indents forced into these card folders/dividers when written upon also enhance mouse ball/card traction providing a more reliable glide. When using such systems it may be advisable to use sellotape to secure corners to prevent the annoying occurrence of 'insecure mouse mat syndrome'.

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