Bluetongue Virus

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Bluetongue virus of sheep.Also affects goats, cattle, deer. llama, camelids. Orbivirus. Originated in Africa but now endemic in N. Europe (Belgium). Also been found in Israel and Balkans. Scientists don't know how it has spread its range. Transmitted by midges. Could transmit to UK on SE wind. Culling useless as virus not transmitted from animal to animal without midge vector. Midge species involved in Culicoides (spelling!)
Have to have exclusion zone of 100 miles diameter. Countryfile.16/09/07.

First ever UK case observed in a single animal - a highland cow on rare breads farm near Ipswich, Suffolk - on Saturday 22nd September '07.

Perhaps rising global temperatures have enable midge to migrate from N. Europe, because virus needs a minimum temp of 12 deg C in which to propagate. Vets are hoping that thius was due to a single midge which may have been blown across N.Sea, and subsequently died.

1.8M animals have been killed due to bluetongue in N. Europe in the last 10 years.

Vaccines are available for some strains of bluetongue but not for current serotype (Tytpe E) which predominantly affects cattle. No vaccine yet available but reaearch has been going on since.... . Needs to be ensured to be safe in trials.

Rerlaed species. Colorado tick fever. Cause dengue-like fever.

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