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The light was gradually disappearing and a cold blanket began to envelop the couple. He held her hand tightly, gave it a squeeze and was gone...

Eva was once again alone. A sorrowful sigh left her trembling lips as she stared across the ocean, watching the sun sink below the horizon- another day was lost.

The chill of the night air danced around her naked arms, and her short, greying hair brushed gently across her frail neck.
She didn't want to leave the security of the lighthouse, the place they grew to love each other so much.
James was her life, the centre of her universe. There had never been a day gone-by where they had been apart. For forty-two years they shared, they experienced, they loved. And now, it was all just memories; memories for her age, that would soon be forgotten.
Eva and James had had so many good times, great times, such happiness and fun. She didn't want to loose that. She didn't want to forget.
He had been stolen from her exactly six nights ago. He had fallen asleep, never to awaken again.
Her whole world had come crashing down around her.

She sat painfully in the forever enclosing space, gazing up at the stars, searching.
Eva wiped the single tear that trickled slowly down her smooth cheek.
She could hear the soft spray, lap against the rocks below, so soothing.

Before, they would come up here and sit for hours on end, talking and listening. She would sit in his arms until the sun showed itself in the eastern sky.

She laid back. The ground beneath her was starting to feel damp, but she just didn't care anymore.
She closed her eyes. The wind was starting to pick up a little stronger now, carrying the ocean's scent towards her.
Then, suddenly she heard it…the whisper 'Eva.'
She opened her eyes, 'James?' she asked into the lonely night.
'Don’t be silly,' she told herself, 'it's just the wind.' The corner of her mouth rose slightly into an uneasy smile.
She settled herself back down, and once again, closed her tired eyes.
She took in the sounds, the smells, the feel of the long grass between her fingers. Everything seemed so much clearer now. All the questions she had, seemed to be answered.

She took a few exhausted breaths, the feeling of warmth swept through her body, covering her from head to toe. The sensation was soothing; calming; loving. She opened her eyes once again. A bright light surrounded her. She wasn't afraid; more reassured and protected. She blinked hard; it was still there, wrapping itself around her like a brilliant white cloak. She blinked again. This time, when she opened them, she could make out a vague figure of a man in the distance.
'James?' she whispered, as she held on to the hope.
The stranger approached her, and held out his hand. Eva looked up to see a kindly face, so warm. Her prince had come for her.
She took his masculine hand in hers, and gently rose to her feet.
Her heart skipped a beat as she studied his face; the smile; the softness of his skin; the glint in his blue eyes. James looked as he did the day she had married him - that was the happiest day of her life.

Eva held him close, she couldn’t believe it. 'Please, Don’t ever leave me again.' She said, as tears of ecstasy flowed freely down her youthful face.
'I won't,' he whispered, stroking her long auburn hair. 'I promise.'

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