People who know it all
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Everywhere you go.Everyone you meet.Even people who never go out of the house have met these people from hell.The dreaded know it all.
Do these people deliberately annoy us? Or is it just the way they are?
This entry is designed to try and answer some of the questions that puzzle us all about this strange species.
How to spot a know it all.
Ok, so what are the telltale signs that the person in question is a know it all?
Well,all you have to do is ask yourself the queestions below and make a note of how many of the questions you answered yes.
1. When you are in the middle of a conversation about anything.Do they start off with either of the following phrases?
Funnily enough...
I know this guy...
When I was younger...
I was just saying last week...
My dad,My mom,My third uncles cousin,etc,etc...
2. Do they phone radio stations a lot commenting on all and sundry?
3. Have they ever been on Central Weekend?
4. Are they a member of the Norris McWhirter fan club?
5. Do they run quiz evenings at the local drinking house?
6. Do they like telling you pointless facts at random?
7. Are they usually wrong regarding absolutely everything?
8. Do you feel uncomfortable in their presence?
9. Are they a member of numerous clubs?
10. Do they have a PC that always boots up in safe mode?
If the answer to 3 or more of these questions are yes then it stands a good chance that the person you know is a know it all and should be avoided at all costs.
Are you a know it all?
An easy one this.Ask the same questions as above and if you find that some of those applies apply to you then guess what!
However we know that all know it all types lie through their teeth so it could be fair to say that if none of those apply to you then you could also be a know it all as question one applies to us all sometimes but thats just coincidence.