Katie Melua - Singer

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Katie Melua was born in Georgia in the former Soviet Union in 1984. When she was eight years old she moved to Belfast with her family where her Father, a qualified Doctor had got a job. She attended a Catholic School in Belfast, while her brother attended a protestant school.

At fifteen, the family moved to Surrey in England. Katie spent her formative years composing her own songs in her bedroom on a computer. She won a TV talent completion singing Mariah Carey's “Without You”. Katie was eventually spotted by producer Mike Batt, whose main claim to fame was bringing The Wombles to the world.

Mike Batt produced Katie's first album, “Call of the Search” was released in November 2003. This went to number one in the album charts in January 2004 selling over 350,000 copies. One of the tracks from this album, “The closest thing to crazy”, released in December 2003, went to number three in the charts. A further album has been slated for release at the end of Jun 2004.

This has led to a five album recording contract with Dramtico records. Katie's voice has been compared to those of Ertha Kitt and Edit Piaff. This researcher can also hear shades of the late Karen Carpenter. There is a clarity and range in her voice that is hard to describe but you know it when you hear it. At the time of writing, Katie is only nineteen and there is a degree of immaturity in her voice. Given a few more years and this will change, then are we in for a treat.

Quote from Katie:

“I want people to listen to my music because they like it, not because it is the cool thing to do.”

That'll do for this researcher.

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