Job Interview Guidance

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Based on my many unsuccessful experiences regarding job interviews, I am creating a list of "dos and don'ts" which may help you a job. I have now finally landed a job, so i might as well pass my wisdom on to other people.


. Turn up 10 minutes early, might seem obvious to do, but if you claim you are punctual on your C.V and then turn up 2/3 minues late then it's quite obvious you have lied about this and probably many other things.

. (For males) Wear cleaned shoes, black pants, white shirt. Wearing jeans for example is not advised whatsoever and I think it was stupidly doing that, which cost me a rather well paid and easy job.

. Relax. Remember the person facing you is just a human being like you and was in exactly the same position as you when he/she was that age too. Treat interviews as just having a casual conversation with someone and they are not something to be feared.

. Keep eye contact with the other person. If for example the other person is explaining about the background of the business, and your eyes repeatedly wander around the room, this shows you have a low attention span.

. Research a little about the business, this can be done by a quick browse through their website. Don't go into an interview not knowing what the business does exactly, this will show that you do not care about that business, but simply just want the cash and are liable to leave them at any given moment.


. Be nervous. Letting the prospect of a job interview get to you, will only make you be forgetful in interviews, and you may find yourself struggling to talk properly (sounds strange but that has happened to me lol).

. List generic things as your hobbies and interests. Managers have to conduct many interviews and probably get bored of people always saying "I like to play football, I go to the cinema, etc". Say something interesting, something unique which makes you seem like a more interesting person.

. Use slang. This may be an indicator for the interviewer that you hve bad communication skills which will put her/him off you immediately and cost you the job most likely.

Well folks, that's it. I hope this was a help to you!

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