Yar Kramer's Weapons and Abilities

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For the purposes of roleplay threads, and since I'm striving for more originality and can't just say "Look it up on Wikipedia/GameFAQs", here's a list of Yar's weapons and skills he has available at the moment. He'll probably acquire more over the course of his adventures.


Psychic Powers

Yar generally refers to himself as an "esper" (ESPer) when describing where his abilities come from. This is a "job" description (much like "carpenter" or "burglar"), not what "species" he is. References to Jedi or the Force are jokes.

  • Psychokinesis: He can move objects with his mind. This requires concentraion. He sometimes uses this on himself to enhance his strength and running-speed, and to jump at video-game heights.
    • Railgunning: Not precisely an ability on its own; it's simply his term for moving an object a small distance in a very small amount of time (say, moving a pencil one foot in 1/44 of a second), "letting go" without stopping it, and letting the laws of physics take their course (the pencil is now travelling at a speed of 30 miles per hour).
  • Manifested Psychic Energy: Allows his psychic powers to take on a visible, and sometimes physical form. He chiefly uses this to simply make special effects to make it clear that he's the one doing them (i.e. by creating a glowing trail from his hand to a soon-to-be-bent spoon), with very little effort.
  • Telepathy: Yar can communicate psychically with other people, and also sense basic emotions and whether people are lying. He makes it a point, however, not to read anyone's mind, apart from their name. He may use faux-psychic techniques to seem like he's reading their mind, however (i.e. see below).
    • Jedi Mind Trick: A psychic/hypnotic technique which resembles its namesake to a surprising degree. Furthermore, if he is dealing with someone who is too intelligent for its primary effect to work, he can make it seem like he's reading their mind by saying aloud something which would be in-character for them to think, and using the Jedi Mind Trick to make them think they really did think it.
  • Translation: Allows him to fluently communicate in another spoken language, as long as someone else who knows it is present, and allow other people present to understand it as well. Reading and writing in it is another matter; precise effects vary depending on plot requirements.
  • Healing: Yar's injuries heal more rapidly and thoroughly than an ordinary human's. If he concentrates, he can practically heal himself visibly, although in situations where this would be really useful, he's likely to be in too much pain to concentrate well enough to do so.
  • Danger Sense: A sort of premonition-lite;* he can sense whenever he or someone around him is in any sort of danger, and usually how far it is and/or what direction it's coming from. He generally can't figure out anything else about it, though.
  • Slowdown: Speeds up Yar's perceptions so that everything around him appears to be moving much more slowly. He can still move at his own subjective full speed, and thus much more fast than those who lack such an ability. He can only sustain it for a short amount of (subjective) time. Normally, slows things down to 1/4 speed.
    • Arrow Time: Speeds up his perceptions until an arrow fired from a crossbow subjectively appears to be moving slowly.
      • Bullet Time: Speeds up his perceptions until a bullet fired from a handgun subjectively appears to be moving slowly. Useful movements in Bullet Time require the use of psychokinesis to shield himself from friction-burns against the air.
        • Hammer Time: Stop! ... No, on second thought, never mind, this one's silly.

Other Abilities

It would be a chore to list every single thing he is capable of here; he's a fairly decent martial artist, and he's taken a few levels (so to speak) in Mad Science. He can make a pretty darn good pancake. Any other non-supernatural skills he's displayed in past threads are fair go.

Melee Weapons


An O-katana* created by one of Yar's inventions. It possesses an unearthly power, which means it's easily detectible by anything that can detect magic when it isn't in its sheath, which blocks the spells somewhat. This power allows it to be much more durable and sharp than is realistic, as well as being, y'know, really cool, because katanas are just better.


A set of white greaves and fingerless gauntlets, containing a built-in computer. The gauntlets and greaves themselves are made out of an alloy of adamantium (cf. X-Men), cortosis (an ore from the Star Wars expanded universe, capable of blocking lightsabres), and the material used for Metool helmets (invincible in the Mega Man video games); the result is quite close to being invincible, and serves both as a shield against attacks, and as a blunt instrument when no better weapons are available. Such a setup is virtually impossible; however, this means that, much like the Heart of Gold, they have a finite improbability, and he was easily able to create them using the The Modulus's Unlikely Drive.

Ranged Weapons

He's a fair shot with a gun; he shoots with more or less the same accuracy as any other action-hero.


A heat-based gun with multiple settings that have names like "Deep Fat Fry" and "Medium Rare." Not a very quick shot, but it does the job where necessary.


The Modulus

A spaceship which normally somewhat resembles a paper airplane; it is capable of transforming into other shapes and configurations, ranging fron "one-man fighter" to "can comfortably transport a family of six." See under its own article.

Millenium Bug

A starship, a YT-1300 Correllian light freighter, heavily modified. The exact same type of vehicle as Han Solo's Millenum Falcon, and with approximately the exact same armaments and armor. It is the fourty-seventh-fastest hunk of junk in the Milky Way galaxy (in the Star Wars galaxy, it would be the sixty-third); there are twenty-five vehicles in our galaxy which are faster and are not hunks of junk (and fourteen in the Star Wars galaxy). Currently not in use, and collecting dust.

Ray Remark

He is Yar Kramer's evil twin, though nothing in continuity currently indicates that Yar is aware from him as of yet. His powers appear to be roughly the same as Yar's, though he has an ... entirely different set of compunctions. As of this writing, he is also much less proficient in his Slowdown ability, since he is really out of practice.

Shadow Secant

A Not-Quite-So-Legendary Demon-Blade in the form of an oversized broadsword. It looks like it should be too heavy to lift; the hilt is black, and has a gem resembling a snake's eye embedded in the base where the blade meets the hilt. Its primary ability is to enhance the wielder's strength, but only with respect to itself; which is to say, you can lift it and swing it as if it was a few ounces, and it will still hit with its full force, and you can wear it on your back without it breaking, but you wouldn't be able to lift a steamroller just from using it. You could use the sword itself to knock the steamroller across the room, perhaps.

  • Super Mode: A secondary ability of the Shadow Secant; it surrounds him with a shadowy aura which occasionally appears to have wings, and greatly enhances his strength and abilities. He can also extend its effects to vehicles, weapons, or other machinery he uses. However, under these effects, he is clearly 1. nuttier than a demonic almond factory, and 2. running himself ragged; he will soon most likely collapse from exhaustion and the strain, and it will severely damage whatever he is extending it to. He must then "recharge" for several hours before he can use Super Mode again, as well as leaving him rather drained and less-able to use his powers.

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