Second Episod from Dr. Lucifer office

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One day I just went
To a social meeting
Where old men and women
Were there all complaining.

For the understanding
What’s ever happening?
I told them the story of
Dr. So and So’s office

They were not much surprised
His name was there to know
To Marjorie a kind lady
Answered saying so:

“I am in advanced age,
But I am very well,
Have a doctorate myself
To know a little better than that.

I went to this doctor
For minor stomach ache
He was right there and than
Tell me what’s wrong that I ate.”

“You see Mrs. Dufy”
Telling me his findings
“The Irish oatmeal is that
Not for your digesting.”

“But Dr. So and So
I am not an Irish.
That is my husband’s name
I am really Polish”

Marjorie was smiling
But we all had to laugh
Since we had all of us
Irish oatmeal for breakfast.

Never mind what she said,
Doctor stand firm on feet,
“It is still the Irish oatmeal
What making you so sick.”

Marjorie got so well
Eating Irish breakfasts,
Asking for her records
To This Doctor: "Fair well"

This story is also from some time ago. Proving that Dr. So and So really does not know what he is doing. Well than what happens to such a physician? Nothing to stop his curing activity. He is there where ever wondering around looking for patients to “treat” them and also making a living from the fees paid by insurances.
The first question to a patient is: what kind of an insurance do you have? ( In this region where I live)
Since the time of Hypocrites the noble profession of "the medicine- man" went through a lot of changes.
But about that an other time:long story for an entry with tragic/comic content.

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