Disability hate crimes.......the latest new hobby!!???

1 Conversation

You know that new add on the telly for "How gay are you?", the guy starts off with a comment on the sudden upsurgence of men showing off their more feminine side???

Well, my question for you all is............

"how aware are you of the level of discrimination against people with any sort of disability within your own environment?"

Has anybody noticed recently that disabled people seem to be getting the brunt of a lot of other peoples' anger or frustration???

BBC Newsline featured an article on Friday 21st. May 2004 about how the authorities now wish to have "disability hate crimes" taken under the discrimination side of our legal system, and about time too!!!

Those people who have been victims of sectarian, religious, race, or sexual discrimination seem to have been the only victims worthy of note until now and I, for one, am glad that someone has finally noticed thatboth physically and mentally disabled people have feelings and fears too!!!

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