First episod in Dr. Lucifer office

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Since ancient times medical subjects were always a matter of controversy.
In our times of the XXI. Century although there are tremendous progresses in healing of the sick human body, unfortunately also there is many negative aspect involved.
Here I am referring among the health care workers most controversial figure: the Doctor.
This Latin word means: teacher. A teacher is teaching based on his knowledge.
When we go to an M.D. (medical doctor) we hope that he will “teach” us how to get out of a misery from our illness.
These believes some times works, but sometimes does not. The following “poem” is a true story what happened quite some time ago.

Dr. Lucifer

He stepped into the room
Like an Adonis:
Admiring his beauty
Of unbeatable knowledge.

“My name is So and So
And I am an M.D.
Also a specialist
Treating people’s belly.

If you have the guts
To come to my office
Let me know now
Where the pain is coming”.

“Dear Dr. So and So
I don’t even have pain
I just came to see you
Because I made this date.

“Oh, that’s the way it is?
You have an ulcer there,
Which will be cured
If you do this and that.”

He did not even touch me
There was no need for it,
“Just get dressed: DEAR
Come in to my office.”

I was stretching my neck
So that it could be long
To see into the hell of a kitchen
Where this knowledge is coming from.

How the hell he knows
That I have an ulcer?
There was no tests to be made
Not that I remember.

I set in his office
We set vis a vis
Now he is telling me a verdict:
Do you know it cancer could be.

At that instant
I really stretched my neck:
Right into his face saying:
“Doctor, you go to hell

You give me my records,
Give me all of it.
You stay in your kitchen
To bake more scary cookies.

Unfortunate thing to know
That there are some people
Whom you can scare to go
Into the hell with you:
Mr. (m.d.). So and So.”

This is an example how the “scare technique” is used by an M.D.- who did not suspect a patient to cross his plans.
It is known in a wide range the “scare technique” One of the nastiest , unethical method to use.
Unfortunately it is effective to get patients for long term “treatments” securing the “professional fees” to come what is the real objective of these kind of physicians with loose moral under the white coat.
But as our believes does not always work out, on the other end : Doctor’s technique is also can make a doctor like this falling on his face.
For Happy Ending: these occasions are very rare, and I hope that Dr. So and So will never try his “trick” again.

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