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.com web addresses are a license to print money. They're chance for you and a select few friends to get rich without actually doing much work and here is how to do it:

  • First you need a really short or snappy name such as zot or blip

  • Now you need some form of product, books seem to do quite well but yours could be anything even something strange like bean poles. Whatever you choose work on the ideal of stack em high, sell em cheap. However (and this is the important part) you should be the only person with a .com address to have this product. Being first is everything in this game

  • Next you need to generate hits


    to the site. This can be done in a number of ways:

    Regestring with all the search engines e.g. Excite.

    Plough as many words as you can that are even loosly related to your product/name into you meta


    description. A dictionary/thesarus may come in useful at this point


    Get all your mates to spend an hour or so continually reloading your page, well whose going to know?

    You will also need a hit counter to record the amount of times people have visited your site.

  • The next thing to do is to get all the new users to regester with your site by supplying name, address, likes/dislikes


    as well as email account. A good method to pesuade people to sign up is offer them some shares in the company if they do along with offering youself shares (at 5p each) for every person who signs up.

  • Once you've got the above, you need to go and get some bankers to back you with lots of money, again shares are a good incentive to get them to part with their money

    as long as you make sure that you get ten shares to their one at a cost of 5p each

  • Hopefully by now you should have several thousand people signed up and you can now anounce that you are going to the IPO


    but that it will only be availible to persons who are signed up members of you company.

  • Hype the release as much as possible.

  • As soon as the shares are floated wait for them to multiply in cost many, many times and then sell fast and run with the money. This is the only guarenteed way to come out a winner.


Repeat as often as needed.
A 'hit' is web speak for a person actually looking at your site

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