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Sandefjord is a medium city in Vestfold, Norway. With it's 45 000 innh. It's the largest city in this part of Norway. Vestfold is south-west of the capital Oslo.

It has 42 buildings with more than 3 floors... So the awnser to the big question could be here. There is very litle outside-world-conection. But if you just want to get around on Earth, you can fly from Sandefjord airport, og take the boat to Sweeden.

Sweeden is a country with very cheap alcehol... Compared with Sandefjord. In Sandefjjord, one pint of Guinnes costs about 55 norwegian kroner. (5 pounds, or 6,8 Euro, or 6 dollars.)

Sandefjord have meny huge sportsteam to watch. (Not Krikkit I'm afraid) STIF is one of europe's leading teams in handball, and Sandefjord Fotball is in the 1. divisjon in the norwegian soccer league.

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