Beans of Conscious

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'I think therefore I am'

The way it actually works is that when matter forms a usable Vessel, i.e. a brain, a Bean of Consciousness makes the Vessel its home.

The Vessel gains all the benefits of higher intelligence, for animals this can mean survival.

Whilst the Bean inhabits the Vessel it can experience the physical world through senses it ordinarily doesn't have.

As the Bean is not made of matter it has no memory of time before it entered the Vessel as memory is a physical part of the Vessel.

Beans are only as powerful as the Vessel they inhabit, a cows brain is a less powerful amplifier than that of an human brain. Yet this is neither good nor bad, a Bean can have just as many worthwhile experiences munching grass all day as can be found in a human lifetime.

Vessels themselves come in many forms: trees, the internet, a city, a civilization, a species.
The architecture of a Vessel determines the Consciousness of the Bean; free will, sensory perception, emotional ability, supernatural power etc.

Without a Vessel an Bean has no matter, it is self aware, but has no facility for thought. The Bean exists in the Void until it can bind itself to a suitable Vessel, if the Vessel becomes unsuitable then the Bean returns to the Void.

Beans have no real aim but to experiance the physical world as much as they can whilst they can before returning to the bleakness of the Void.

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