Time is a relative thing, really. It all depends on your point of view. For example, we all know time flies when you're having fun. We're pretty sure that time stands still when you're in love. And I'm sure we've all experienced the slowdown that occurs in boring situations. Of course, there is another way in which time can be morphed. When a crisis occurs, people are said to have their entire life flash before their eyes. Time slows to a crawl and their life begins to replay itself. This is actually the key to immortality.
Don't believe me? Read on! They just live their whole lives again, albeit making new decisions, changing it in subtle ways. And when they finally reach the crisis that caused the flashback, their lives begin to flash before their eyes again... And so on, forever stretching out into infinity. You are actually just having your life flash before your eyes right now, so make it interesting for yourself!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."