World Wrestling Entertainment

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I have been a big wrestling fan ever since I can remember. Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, and Bret Hart were my idols when I was just a nipper. Then After about 5 years of not watching it, I got back into Wrestling in April 1999, after going to my friends house and being forced to watch "WWF Livewire" and other shows that used to be on Sky One.

I would say I am a "huge fan", but since the infamous "Invasion" angle of 2001, my love for it is somewhat on a life support machine, as the period before the aforementioned angle, was the last time I truly looked forward to watching RAW and Smackdown every week with excitement. It almost seems a chorue for me to get through a RAW show without going back to my computer due to boredom. (I no longer watch Smackdown thanks to bad storylines, boring wrestlers, and lack of high profile wrestlers on the show).

I think RAW however is now on the uprise. The current angle with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Benoit, is highly entertaining and their matches at Wrestlemania and Backlash were two of the greatest matches I have seen in a long time.

Here's the full list of the Pay Per Views I have in my collection:

. Survivor Series 1996
. Capital Carnage 1998
. Wrestlemania XV
. Armageddon 2000
. Royal Rumble 2001
. King of the Ring 2001
. Invasion 2001
. Summerslam 2001
. Unforgiven 2001
. No Mercy 2001
. Survivor Series 2001
. Vengeance 2001
. Royal Rumble 2002
. No Way Out 2002
. Wrestlemania X8
. Judgement Day 2002
. King of the Ring 2002
. Vengeance 2002
. Summerslam 2002
. Unforgiven 2002
. Rebellion 2002
. No Mercy 2002
. Survivor Series 2002
. Armageddon 2002
. Royal Rumble 2003
. No Way Out 2003
. Backlash 2003
. Judgement Day 2003
. Summerslam 2003
. Unforgiven 2003
. No Mercy 2003
. Survivor Series 2003
. No Way Out 2004
. Wrestlemania 20
. Backlash 2004

My top 10 greatest wrestlers would have to be:

1) Bret Hart
2) Shawn Michaels
3) Stone Cold Steve Austin
4) Kurt Angle
5) Mick Foley
6) The Rock
7) The Undertaker
8) Triple H
9) Jeff Hardy
10) Edge

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