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One of the may words one looks up in a dictionary during puberty - usually comes quite a while after "penis", "vagina", "condom" and the like, but it will undoubtedly come up at some point. You probably looked it up with a pounding heart and red ears, hoping your parents won't come home early/into your room without knocking, or your looked it up giggling and laughing, pretending you know exactly what it is (ie with friends of the same age, and the same level of knowledge), hopig that your parents/your friends parents won't come home early/into the room without knocking.

Unfortunatley you are disappointed by what you find:
"one that vibrates or causes vibration:
as a : a vibrating device (as in an electric bell or buzzer) "
b : a vibrating electrical apparatus used in massage or for sexual stimulation

But still... nice.
This gives us plenty of room for speculation.

a) a vibrating device (as in an electric bell or buzzer)
Only lame clowns and that annoying neighbor of yours tend to use these. You hold them in your hand, and when you shake another persons hand, that person gets a small electric shock. Mean people use bigger versions than the standard round approximately 3cm-in-diameter vibrators. Boring.

b) a vibrating electrical apparatus used in massage or for sexual stimulation
That's what you were looking for, wasn't it?
Now we're talking!
The size and shape of a vibrator varies from just-what-you-would-expect to oh-my-god. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, picture a banana. Now open the banana, stick one or two batteries inside and close the banana again. Voila - the basic vibrator.
Now you can choose to take a variety of other fruits and attach them in any possible way to the banana. Paint the banana black (very important!).
Take a step back - look at it. Model it a little more to your liking - whatever you end up with, I'm sure you can find a vibrator that looks identical in some sex-shop.
So that's what a vibrator looks like, you get the idea.

You have a girlfriend who says she "doesn't know if she ever had an orgasm" (and yes, that means NO), get her a vibrator. Soon! She'll appreciate it and I'm sure you'll find that she shows you her appreciation.

You have a boyfriend who doesn't come to the idea of giving you one - go and get yourself a vibrator. Soon! He doesn't need to know, but you'll find that life is good. You'll finally understand what it means to walk around with that smile on your face.

Vibrators have had quite an impact on society and I'm sure are responsible for a lot of wars not taking place. Invented to relief women from menstrual pains, some lucky women actually had weekly meetings with their doctor, who then used such a device on them.
Use it whenever you feel like it but do yourself a favor and use rechargable batteries. Comes cheaper in the long run (and it's gonna be one long run).

Now (really important!) throw out that banana.

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