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An animated series from Matt Groening - inventor of The Simpsons.

The storyline of the show is the following:
On December 31st 1999, Fry, a 25-year-old pizza-delivery boy, accidently is frozen and awakes 1000 years later. New York City is now called New New York City as it has been destroyed and completely rebuilt in the past 1000 years.
Realizing that he has no more relatives or friends Fry happily start exploring the future.

Soon he makes friends with Leela, a one-eyed female alien (spoken by Katey Sagal) and Bender, a drinking, smoking, kleptomanic robot.
They all start working for the Planet Express Corporation, so that Fry, to his own delight, becomes a delivery boy.

The Planet Express Corporation is run in parts by Fry's grand-grand-grand-grand......grand-nephew Professor Farnsworth and Dr. Zoidberg (another alien, who's race is fully responisble for the extinction of anchovis). Amy, the intern, and Hermes the manager (ex-limbo-world-champion) complete the team.

Lots of new technologys have been invented - among them the technique of keeping heads alive in jars, so that guest-appearances by 20th-century-stars are possible. Some of the geust-stars so far were: the Beastie Boys, Pamela Anderson Lee, Ronald Reagon, Richard Nixon and Leonard Nimoy.

Matt Groenings sense of humor clearly shines through all the episodes, even though some people say that it does not compete with the Simpsons. However, one should not expect the Simpsons when watching Futurama, as it clearly is NOT intended to be a Simpsons spin-off or -sequel.

Oh, and (most) of the humans in this animation series aren't yellow either, though they still only have 4 fingers per hand.

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