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Well this is nice. Lovely day, good view, a flowering tamarisk across the road if I'm not mistaken, and lots of beautiful cars. Yes I think I can do answering the phone game here for the afternoon. What sort of cars? Well how on earth should I know? Shiny cars that start first time and have four wheels and all their hubcaps on. Sort of dark designer paintwork, oh, and there's a yummy one with no lid. I suppose it must have a lid somewhere but it's not wearing it at the moment. The seats are all white my sort of living room but what do you do when it rains I wonder? Not a bad price either £7395, oh dear I missed a 9, £73995! Good god! You could buy a third world country for that. Ok maybe only a small one but at least it might be hot.
Smart showroom, dark green deep buttoned leather chairs and Chesterfields, interior houseplants in shiny aluminium planters. To my left a flower arrangement of the 'if it's dried it's died' variety. Not bad just dead looking. Oh and a glass cabinet with stuffed animals and toys. Why on earth would anyone want stuffed animals when they buy a car?
Still nice background music and a telly.

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