What is the difference between salad forks and dinner forks? If you truly want to know the difference between these fiendishly similar devices, you'll have to spend years meditating on the subject. Of course, one is longer than the other, and has thinner tongs. Surprisingly, you're supposed to use the salad fork for your salad, and your dinner fork for the main course. However, there is a deep, hidden secret about the difference between these forks. One of them is ACTUALLY useless for eating (No, I'm not telling you which one). Don't let anyone fool you, especially other human beings. You only need one of these forks to eat. You can use the other one to:
- Comb your hair - Provide self-defence - Pick both nostrils at the same time
And you can always just throw it in the trash, flush it down the toilet, or give it to the neighborhood ruffian and tell him it's a toothbrush. By the way, if you choose to pick your nose with the fork, take a look around. Make sure your friends aren't watching. If there are, you might get ridiculed, mocked, or beaten with large sticks.
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