British Bands Of Note

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There are several very good british bands, for example, The Heavy metal group, Iron Maiden (not to be confused with maggie thatcher, who was the iron woman), and also the ska/pop band Madness. these are but two of a whole library or gba's, or Great British Artists.

Others include Pink Floyd (rock), Wang Chung (an 80s group, had a hit with the tune "Dance Hall Days"), Yes (pop), Sky (instrumental pop), Judas Priest (heavy metal), sting (pop and Reggae) Emerson, Lake And Palmer (AKA ELP) (pop/rock) and The Darkness (Rock). note, that I have deliberatley missed out three of the best british bands around, Queen (Rock), The beetles (rock) and of course Led Leppelin (Heavy rock), who, incidently invented heavy metal. They [led zeppelin] nearly named themselfs "The Whoopee Cushion"

there are a few other bands out there, like slade, who are also great.

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