Cairo - Things to remember when visiting Cairo

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Cairo is a very crowded place. People living there are overly nice to you, and some people mean it, but others will try to cheat you into paying too much for nothing. Most pepole there speak english, so no need to bring a ><>.

If you meet a cab driver, who offers to drive you and your friends around cairo for 5£ each, don't accept. They will drive you around, but he will mostly take you to different shops, where you can by various things at more than twice the price of other shops. When ever you buy something in these places he gets a percentege.

If you plan on seing the pyramids and want to go on a guided tour, be sure that the price includes both ways, and that the entrance to especialy the Cheops pyramid is included in the price.

If someone offers you a deal and wishes to see your credit card, for confirmation on who you are don't do it. They will write your card number down and abuse it. You can wind up loosing a great deal of money this way.

The Hilton is a very nice hotel. You can enter even though you don't live there, and relax or phone home, etc.

Other than that all I can say is its a place worth visiting, if you remember the following:

Walk like an egyptian when you cross the road. Cars wont stop for you unless you walk in front of them. The best way is to close your eyes and walk.

If someone invites you to his/her house say thanks but no. This is part of their religion. They have to ask, can't really afford buying you dinner.

And finaly, RELAX. Otherwise you will hate the place ;-).

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