Mountain Dew

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L: *maniacal giggling for about five minutes straight*
N: "Dew?"
L: *giggles* "Yup!"

Just a snippet from a conversation had last night between your dear reporter and an innocent bystander. Dew... Mountain Dew, "the nectar of the gods", as it is known by the worshipful masses. This carbonated yellow liquid sugar product is best known by collegiates who don't want to touch No-Doz but have to cram and anyone else who likes to run on three times normal energy. The best concentration of Dew's power is found in a can left unrefrigerated. Some consider the partaking of Dew a cult or a form of drug abuse. Perhaps it is. This sufficiently yellow beverage is one of the greatest things Earth has to offer, and merits further study.

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