Five Easy Ways to Prolong Payment

5 Conversations

Have you ever got to the end of the month only to be drowned in bills, only to discover you don't have enough dough to pay off those frivolous expenses such as armpit waxing and erotic jumper cables*?

Well the following may answer some to your problems. This advice may not provide you with more money but it will allow you to delay the red bills and avoid the debt collectors, that is until the bailiffs come for your prized possessions to cries (from you) of 'No, not my stuff!'.

Step by Step

  • Send the electricity company bill to the phone company and the phone company bill to the electric company.

  • Send an empty envelope to the gas company but do not seal the envelope. They just might assume the cheque fell out.

  • Send the credit card company a cheque, but 'forget' to sign it.

  • Contact the insurance company and insist that you no longer need insurance. After lengthy persuasions on their part, tell them you will think about it and not to bill you again for another month.

  • Just simply pay all of your bills with your credit card, and then you will only have one bill to worry about.

There you have it, five simple steps to credit-limited financial deferment.

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