A Conversation for

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 1


Does anyone know the song "Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps"? A friend of mine has been wondering about this song for a few years, and no-one knows what this song is, where it's from or what the lyrics are! If you know any of these things, then just message me, k?
We seem to think it's from a disney movie. any idea?
smiley - smiley

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 2


Maybe Mary Poppins?

(Alt answer: I dunno. smiley - winkeye)

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 3

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I dunno either.smiley - smiley

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 4


Now where did [s]he go?

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 5


Thanx anyway.

Any other suggestions?

smiley - smiley

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 6


Perhaps, but unfortunately I'm all out. Look up NTTV in the search.. Someone there might know. smiley - winkeye


Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 7

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Nonnie, you must join us at Mari-rae's farm. smiley - smiley Everyone has missed you.


Everyone is welcome. smiley - smiley

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 8


The thing about getting so far behind is that it's so hard to catch up. And I'm still falling. smiley - sadface But I've enjoyed tonight's lightening speed for a nice change! smiley - bigeyes


Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 9

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

There would be many happy faces if you dropped by. smiley - smiley

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Post 10


*blushes profusely*

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