Doors:- Local Area Teleportation Devices.

2 Conversations

Standing in one room can often be rather dull, especially if the one you hapen to be standing in, is a dull room. This makes the whole experience of your stay in that particular box subsequently dull and uninteresting. This is where the LATD (or door for short and general ease of use) fullfills its role. The process involves transporting one or two (if small) people into a new box. This may result in the user becoming happier if the new room happens to be rather less dull than the room recently left. However, doors can also preform the task of teleporting between two worlds. A short description will follow. The inside world, many LATD’s here transporting between small boxes, and the out side world, generaly more interesting and colourful than the inside one. Now that LATD’s have been around for a while now they have generaly become unnoticed on Earth and many of its unhappy ocupants have taken to kicking and slamming them. (Many of the users just regard them as a hole in the wall).

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