How 2 Make Faux Babblefish

2 Conversations

Heres a bit of senseless babble about HHGG
costume that I made some years ago and always
weeds out the fans at parties.(not to mention it was extremly cheap to make)

go to a nearby toy emporium or a store specializing in science toys for kids for best chances at finding this item..the ma pa stores or drugand go's usually are ill equipped in this.

1)small replica of a goldfish(not too small you dont want to run to the emergency room
and explain why you have a fish in your ear they might hall you off to another ward..hint hint wink wink nudge nudge know what i mean.)

2)a set of earplugs preferably the clear latex type with a flat outward nob(most commonly found in music stores or other stores specializing in loud noises ect....this has always puzzled me why these type of stores encourage the drowning out of sound to themselves and the forcing of sounds on others oh well.)

3)crazy glue or some other incredible intense miracle bonding element with mystery ingredients.

4)attach plug to mouth of fish with said bonding element WARNING allow sufficient time for bonding element to dry or meld or such...otherwise refer to item 1)and hospital time and rubber garments.
side note:if the mouth of fish is not accepting of the plug you may need to use surgical equipment ala knife/scissors'or exacto blade first.

and wala you are the proud owner of a Babblefish and thus such a universal translator.

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