
1 Conversation

FakeML is the art of judiciously using quasi-HTML tags in forum entries.
A recently observed example(thanks, BluesSlider) goes like this:



I wonder if anyone has thought about putting up a Bond Movie article with links to each of the scenes? I can't help thinking I've missed one somewhere.


A note on including FakeML in entries

FakeML tags make excellent qualification statements. They can possibly convey information more accurately than even smileys can.

More examples

&ltQUESTION stupid="very"&gt

Has anyone here read a book by Douglas Adams?


Or what about:

I had my entry approved in 2 days!

&ltPROMOTION shameless=”yes”&gt

Has anyone seen my cool new FakeML entry yet?


&ltBUZZ relevant=”no”&gt

Party anyone?


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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