Who Kazinishi ka-Warumoto Is
Created | Updated Nov 2, 2005
General Stuff
- Name: Kazinishi ka-Warumoto
- Class: Brown.
- Height: 197cm
- Mass: 77kg.
- Blood Type:A+
- Extra Abilities: Military Training, Linguist
- Weapons: Katana carved from the tooth of the Seriki Nishu dragon (with flame enchantement), staff fashioned from the spinal chord of a ner'ghaath demon.
- Armour: Enchanted Light, has the power to absorb souls.
- Appearance: A mysterious figure clad in dark robes over light, jet-black enchanted armour. Long, flowing black hair like the sky on a moonless night cascades down over broad shoulders. This is in stark contrast to his pale, gaunt face with a mysterious scar down the right cheek which will never heal. Keeps his eyes hidden, for to look into them is to gaze upon all the eternal infinity of God's creation; this has driven even archangels to insanity. Arms are long and muscular, and can lift up to an estimated three tonnes. Chest is fairly broad, but overall, the body is lean and toned rather than bulky and powerful. Legs, again, are long and powerful, and allow for running speed that no human could ever hope to match. Is clad in light, enchated armour, jet-black except for a gem in the breast plate which almost always glows brightly with the light of 777 captured souls. Can be made to turn off at will. When calm or happy, the gem glows divinely blue. When sad or angry, it glows as red as the fires of Hell and eternal damnation.
- Psychological Makuep: Kazinishi comes off as a rather cold and distant figure, thugh deeper down, he is nonetheless very passionate. Kazinishi seeks to eradicate evil wherever he finds it as a way of atoning for past sins, though lately has been starting to doubt whether he is on the right side; the line between good and evil is becoming blurred to him, and he thinks that maybe they are no more than human constructs, or different sides to the same coin. In a totally foreign world, Kazinishi feels quite lost and alone, though will never tell anyone of his true feelings - that would mean getting close to someone, and that is one thing he can never do.
The Story
~~~~~~The Land of the Pharoahs~~~~~~
"I don't get it. Why can't I just reincarnate and save us all this trouble?" asked Horus.
"Now, Horus, you know the rules. You are already alive, and no god may take on mortal human from more than once."
"What about my father?"
"Osiris only incarnated once," replied Sakhmet. "The other time, he was ressurected by Isis in his first body. This was what allowed you to strike down Sutekh." Sakhmet indicated the manuscript before her. It was composed of a material similar to papyrus, but finer. It also seemed to have been made from wood rather than reeds. This was one of only three in the entire Universe. Allah had one of the others in His personal possession, and the third was placed on Earth, in the region called Europe. It would be found in 1666, and be completely undecipherable. It would later be found again in 1912 by a man named Wilfred Voynich, but it could never possibly be translated except by a being no lower than a god.
Sakhmet sighed. Though Horus was not the youngest of the gods of Egypt, he sure acted like it. He always wanted to jump ahead of plans, and had on several occasions ruined multi-millenium plans at the critical monets by his impetuousness. However, this event was more important than all of the others, and none would be allowed to interfere bar Allah Himself. This was the greatest prophecy of all time, one that would restore the old gods to their rightful places as Allah's main assistants, instead of those puny angels.
"Whatever." Horus rolled his eyes. "Look, this thing is supposed to elevate the gods back above the angels. Why do we need an angel involved, as well as a demon for Ra's sake?"
"If you hadn't defeated Sutekh, I'd slap you right now," uttered Sakhmet. "You should never name Ra lightly. Fortunately for you, he is right now engaged with Apophis."
"Don't you tell me what I can and can't do! By right you should be kissing my feet, but no, I have to allow all the gods to be equal. Look, if this kid is supposed to be such a great avatar, why can't I manifest as him? Surely this is a duty suitable only for a god."
"No. Only a pure human may fulfil the prophecy." Sakhmet turned to Horus, and this time she had a motherly smile on her face. "Don't worry, Horus. Your time will come." And with that, Horus left in a huff, but with some food for thought, at least. Sakhmet grinned ruefully him. So like his uncle.
Chamuel strode down the corridor, feeling slighty light-headed. She was feeling pretty good after that last meal, and was now gradually feeling the urge to find a man on whom she could express the passion that was slowly welling up inside her. It was weird - she had never felt as good or as horny as she had since eating that meal, yet she kept thinking that she had fogotten something important...Oh well, she would probably remember soon enough. She really ought to compilment the cooks, but they were gone.
When Chamuel opened the door to her bedchamber, she was startled to see a man already in there. She had seen him at the banquet, what was his name...Ah yes, Mephistopheles.
"Uh, hello," said Chamuel. "Might I ask what you're doing here." He had pretty broad shoulders, and long, thick, black hair.
"I...I'm sorry," he replied. "I don't know, I just felt like I had to see you...I asked a guard, and he told me you were staying in this chamber." She sure was a pretty one. Golden hair down to the middle of her back, narrow waist, perfect shapely breasts...For some reason, Mephistopheles felt like he was supposed to notice things like this, but many other were not. He has no idea why, but his hips would not let him think to deepy on it.
"I don't know why, but I just...need you," he finished forcefully, and far less uncertainly than he had been speaking up until now. Chamuel said no more, but walked up and kissed him deeply. As his tongule slipped inside her mouth, she felt her passion exploding. Their hands entwined around each other's necks, and the pair fell naturally onto Chamuel's simple but luxurious bed. Their light robes slipped off easily, and their lovemaking was slow and gentle. After about an hour of passionate but caring and sensetive loving, Mephistopheles finally penetrated Chamuel, and their pleasure immediately increased. Chamuel found herself at new heights of ecstasy, and the two soon achieved an explosive, heavenly, mutual orgasm - after which all illusions were broken. Chamuel's memories came floding back to her, and she remembered her charge as an archangel, her duty to God, and that she was supposed to protect the king from...Mephistopheles, with whom she had just copulated. Oh well, at least she was not under any specific rules of how she was supposed to protect him.
Chamuel drew back, clutching the blanket around herself with a look of intense fear and loathing in her eyes. How could she...of course, the food! It had erased her memory, and forced her into this act. She suddenly remebered that there was something odd about the cooks. This fragment, too, came back to her. Upon retrospect, the head cook had had the exact aura of Heh, the Egyptian goddess. Accursed pagan deities! Why must they always meddle in celestian affairs?!
From Mephistopheles' reaction, it was evident he had suffered the in same way, for he suddenly gave an unholy scream of rage. Then he looked at her in extreme lust and triumph.
"Archangel," he began. "You have now tasted the forbidden fruits of Adam and Eve. If you join with Lucifer, you will be able to have all of that agains, as much as you wish, and of even better quality. Also, you will never have to worry about whether or not Allah approves. What do you say?"
"I will never join you," she almost screamed. "Get away from me! Lord, please protect me!"
"This is not over," growled Mephistopheles, and then he slipped into a vortex in the ground which led to Hell. Just as the vortex closed, a group of guards barged through the door. Seeing the state Chamuel was in, all but one politely looked away.
"You are clearly troubled, my lady," said the captain. "Do you require anything?"
"I...I'll be fine," she said, laboriously. "However, you must triple the guard on the king's bedchambers for the next two days. While he sleeps on these nights, do not let anyone in at all, not even his own mother."
From Birth
Nine months later and Chamuel was on the run. She and Gabriel had incarnated on Earth in Japan, but Chamuel had turned out to be pregnant. She had given birth almost immediately, to a beautiful human baby boy. Gabriel had been shocked and suspicious, but when Chamuel explained it to him, his strong sense of justice had prevailed and he had agreed to help Chamuel hide the boy, for she could certainly not keep him. Unfortunately, almost as soon as the child was born, Dominic the archangel of judgement had gotten wind of this development and incarnated on Earth. He quickly proclaimed this child to be the lowest and most disgusting of the Nephillim, and ordered both him and Chamuel to be put to death. However, Gabriel distracted Dominic while Chamuel made her escape. She ended up in a Japanese peasant village, and left the baby on a doorstep. When Dominic finally caught up with her, she said that she had killed the child to atone for her sin and his sould had gone to Hell. Fortunately for Chamuel, and evil man had just died in that very same village, and to many archangels, one human soul looks pretty much like any other. Dominic offcially forgave her, and the three returned to Heaven.
Meanwhile, the baby had been left on the door of the elderly peasants Satoshi and Yosuné Kayamoto. Though they were very much in love, their marriage was barren, and they were delighted to finally have a child of their own to raise. They named him Kazinishi, and for the first few months of his life, he was breast fed by their neighbour, Mimori Yukiama, who had given birth to a son of her own, Takeshi, about a week previously.
Life in the peasant village was the happiest, most blissful period of Kazinishi's life. He was surrounded by good, honest, hardworking people, who spared little though to politics - to them, one emporor or shogun was as good as another. Their fields were very fertile, their rivers was always full of fish, and there was always enough food to feed the occasional wanderor who happened across the village. Many of these wanderers were so impressed that they, too, ended up staying, which was good for the gene pool. When it came to tax time, the village always paid a little extra in food and craftwork, which kept them in the shogun's good graces.
As well as all these real people, Kazinishi also had an imaginary friend, a scorpion called Masamuné. Masamuné was named after the great Japanese hero, and soon took on a personality and attitude all his own.
Once every year, the village was visited by a travelling sorceror by the name of Tamasaki. He would bless the fields and the river as well as the people in return or a warm bed, and would tell futures by astrology, cards, scrying, and many other methods in exchange for food. He was also a great friend of the village shaman, Fusajiro. The two spent many hours in deep, mystical, esoteric conversation, and as a result the magical abilities of both increased to a great level.
The accuracy of Tamasaki's predictions ensured that he was always welcome in the village, and indeed he sometimes went out of his way to spend a few nights a year there as he loved it so much. However, when he attempted read Kazinishi's future, he could see nothing. It was as if the child cast a shadow over the detinies of all. This chilled him deeply, though there were other qualities to Kazinishi that were more immediately frightening to the villagers.
As Kazinishi grew up, people began to notice strange things about him. When as a toddler he threw a tantrum, the whole house shook and wolves bayed at the moon. He could talk to animals, and even rabid dogs would not harm him. He could predict the weather accurately and, when he reached the age of 16, began unleashing semi-random energy bolts from his hands. The villagers, fearful of getting inadvertantly destroyed, one night removed him from his home and bundled him into Tamasaki's wagon. Satoshi and Yosuné were furious and heartbroken, but they could not catch up to the wagon; and anyway, they had begun to fear their adopted son's power as well.
The Wandering Years
Though Tamasaki was a great sorceror, even he was weak compared with Kazinishi. The boy displayed unbelieveable talent in the secret arts, and it looked like he would become the greatest wizard the world had ever seen. However, his power was somewhat unstable, and Kazinishi had trouble controlling it, especially when he was experiencing any strong emotion. This was fairly constant, since he missed his parents terribbly, and the highlight of every year was when they visited his old village again. Unfortunately, even this would soon be shattered.
Kazinishi and Tamasaki were due to arrive back for Kazinishi's 21st birthday, and Tamasaki sent messenger pigeons forth to relay the news. Kazinishi was very excited, but when they got there on the eve of his birthday, Tamasaki ordered him to remain in the caravan that night, so that his birthday party might be a bigger surprise. Kazinishi had also overheard Tamasaki telling Satoshi that his powers were pretty much stable, and after one final test, he would be able to return to his village, this time for good.
However, on the night of the test, a solar eclipse occurred and a freak storm blew up. It was very wet and windy, though not very dangerously so. In the middle of the test, a ball of lightning struck the wagon, but did not destroy it. The caravan was infused with a great glow and energy flowed into Kazinishi. When he appeared unhurt, Tamasaki examined him, and promptly dropped dead from the sight of his student's eyes. Uncomprehending, Kazinishi left the caravan and trudged into the village to seek a doctor, but any who looked into his eyes died - including his adoptive parents. The only exception was Fusajiro, who simply went mad. She screamed "Tamasyu no waru? Wasaké ka-waru," before running off into the night. Overcome by shame, Kazinishi felt he must leave Japan and that he could never, must never, love or become close to anyone again. Since he had killed the only parents and family he had ever known, he felt he was no longer worthy of their name, and so he decided to take part of Fusajiro's last statement as his new surname. He added moto to the end in honour of Satoshi and Yosuné, and became Kazinishi ka-Warumoto.
Following this, Kazinishi stole away on a ship and ended up in China. He travelled long and hard, never staying anywhere for more than a day, and eventually he ended up on a remote hilltop which was home to a group of blind Tibetan monks. These monks were the guardians on the sacred magick of the ancients as well as many ancient sacred scrolls, prophecies, and special weapons and armour. Their greatest possession was a breatplate known as the Tung Sleng Chun, a piece of armour which was inset with a gem that had the power to absorb souls. This, according to a prophecy, could only be worn by one who was destined for it.
Kazinishi studied with the monks and learned to control his now greatly increased power, as well as the ways of Krishna and Buddha, reincarnation, karma, ch'i, and many other facts of mysticism and esotericism. He proved himself to be a great master of many tongues, and studied the prophecies intensely. At some point, he came across several references to himself, the offspring of an angel and a devil by the trickery of the old gods. Though shaken by this discovery, he really did not want to leave the monastery, but soon enough, he would be forced to.
After a few years, the monks sent Kazinishi on a quest to destroy the great Seriki Nishu dragon. This dragon had been imprisoned beneath Mt. Fuji for seven thousand years, but the day of its escape was fast approaching, and when it did get out, it would be a greater terror than any the world had ever seen. Though relucatant to leave his new friends for an extended period of time, Kazinishi agreed to do the right thing. However, less than an hour after he left, he heard the sounds of battle coming from the monastery. Running back, he discovered a scene of carnage. The monastery had been attacked and ransacked by an evil army, and they were now looting its treasures. Kazinishi engaged them in fierce combat, using all his battle and magic skills. Though he slaughtered many of them, he felt he was killing his... comrades, somehow.
After a few minutes, the leader of this army, one Draug Virg, approached him. Virg commented him on his magical abilities, and offered him the oppertunity to join. Kazinishi sensed that Virg was also an extremely powerful wizard, and accepted.
He felt some sort of affinity with these evil beings, probably as a result of his demonic heritage. As he travelled with them, Kazinishi leaned the art of battle tactics, and proved himself to be an outstanding commander. He also became an expert in the dark magic of necromancy.
At various points along the way, Virg attempted to try on the Tung Leng Chun, but without success. Whenever he tried, it was too big, or too small, but never the right size. He called his sorcerors to break the spell, but they could not; even Kazinishi had no success. Then one night, Kazinishi tried it on, and it fir perfectly. He then became overcome with bloodlust and proceeded to slaughter all the rest of the, except for Virg, whom he allowe to go and tell his master of the might of Kazinishi ka-Warumoto -- necromancer.
In the process of this great slaughter, Kazinishi absorbed 111 dmaned souls. He also received an unhealabe scar from a ner'ghaath demon. When the carnage, he sought out this particular demon and carved a thin staff from its spinal chord, with an ankh at the top. By coincidence, the staff ended up bearing a small scorpion-like mark. Kazinishi set out once more.
Heaven, alerted that someone had been found that fit the Tung Leng Chun, sent a great troop of angels to destroy the wearer, led by Michael the Archangel. After a brief but bloody battle in which Kazinishi absorbed 333 pure souls, Michael decided that there was good within Kazinishi's soul, and departed peacefully. Despite Michael's best attempts, the Divine Inquisition found out that he was still alive. Fortunately, Chamuel was given a special pardon by God, as Kazinishi had a great destiny ahead of him.
Meanwhile, Kazinishi travelled across Asia, He travelled through India and picked up some amount of Hindu teachings. He then reached Persia, and happened to run into Fusajiro again. Fusajiro informed him that the Seriki Nishu dragon had recently escaped, and was now terrorising innocent people around Baghdad and Babylon. Kazinishi pursued the dragon and, after a long hard battle, succeeded in defeating it. As a trophy, he pulled out one of the dragon's teeth and fashioned a katana from it. By a strange fluke of the magic he used, this katana also bore a small scorpion mark.
Hell discovered that the greatest warrior angels of Heaven had been defeated, and so sent an even greater force of their own to defeat Kazinishi and recruit him to their side. However, the mightiest warriors of Hell still could not destroy the might magician, and 333 of them lost their dark souls to the gem in the Tung Leng Chun. Towards the end of the battle, however, both of Kazinishi's custom weapons were destroyed. He managed to defeat the rest of the demons using magic and hand-to-hand combat, but when he looked again at his weapons, he discovered that they had both snapped at precisely the point where the scorpion was inscribed. A strange mist flowed from them and coalesced into a scorpion about 30cm long, composed of Kazinishi's care, throughness, and rational, logical thought. This was his familiar, and it turned out to be his imganary friend, Masamuné - now made flesh! Kazinishi used his magic to repair his weapons and then, seeking a break from all the contant fighting, journeyed to Egypt to investigate his origins at the hands of the trickery of the old gods. First, however, he travelled through Israel and self-learned much of the Qabbalah and mystical Judaism, and dedicated his life to Allah.
When Kazinishi arrived in Egypt, he soon found his way to the main temple of the Cult of Isis, located in Cairo. Here he saw many scorpions. Taking this as a sign, he managed to get himself initiated, and soon learned all the secrets of Isis as well as many other of the Egyptian gods, under the tutelage of High Priest Usirhotep. He believed that he had been placed on Earth to serve Isis and Osiris, in whatever way they might aid Allah.
After a while spent with the cult, Kazinishi left Cairo and investigated the pyramids. These yielded little new information, and so he turned his attentions to the matter of the Sphinx, whom no-one else had ever been able to penetrate. Kazinishi succeeded, but found almost nothing of interest inside.
However, when he emerged, he found himself in a jungle. His first thought was that while inside the Sphinx, he had travlled much more slowly through time than anyone outside, and the desert had become overgrown. The he looked into the sky and saw a set of totally unfamilair constellations, and reasoned that he had in fact been transported to another world altogether. He felt that he had much work to do here, and so attempted to hack a route through the jungle. Eventually he found the corpse of a long-lost explorer who miraculously still had an intact and relatively accurate map. It showed the way to a city, and Kazinishi had no real alternative but to head for it.
To Imardin
As Kazinishi travelled across this new land, he soon discovered that Masamuné had become a spirit being. He also encountered many members of a dark army markedly similar to that Virg had led, and these proved to be an even greater challenge to defeat then even the elite forces of Heaven. Still, he managed to fight his way through, and eventually found himself at the gates of Imardin. Seeing that this was one of the few outposts of good in this world against evil, he approached the high council and offered his services. They accepted.
Kazinishi fought at Kalsho, but failed to distinguish himself. However, while there he discovered that magic flowed differently in this world, and he was now no more powerful than an novice. As a result of this, he was apprenticed to Lady Alicia Brymn, and a great knowledge combined with some intense study allowed Kazinishi to progress quickly to the level of apprentice.
When dragons attacked Imardin, Kazinishi helped to fight them off, though again he did not distinguish himself. A couple of days later, he travelled to deadside when Lady Syian Coleck was attacked by her evil, deadly father, Nick. Nick took Syian and Lumien Swift, a mutual friend of Syian and Kazinishi, to his castle in outpost Yurick. Kazinishi followed, but was easily knocked unconscious and bound by Nick's great magic. Fortunately Syian's trickery allowed the three to escape and, after Lumien revived Kazinishi, they went on the run. Syian distrusted Kazinishi, and were it not for Lumien, one of them would probably be dead by now. With the help of a dragon, Kala, they fled to Oane, but Nick caught up with them. He placed a near-death spell on Syian, but Lumien saw through the spell and thus allowed Kazinishi to break it. Lumien, meanwhile, fell unconscious, and screamed "Tamasyu no waru? Wasaké ka-waru," in a mysterious dream. This shook Kazinishi, but he has not yet mentioned it, as there are more important things to worry about.
With the help of High Lady Shaylar, Kazinishi and Lumien fought off Nick, but Syian had to be quickly returned to Imardin to be healed of Nick's spell. This was accomplished with a blod transfusion from Kazinishi, after which Syian went and killed Nick, almost killing herself in the process.
Meanwhile, Kazinishi wandered into the slums of Imardin and discovered a rebellion brewing. Despite an offer to mediate with the High Lord, Kazinishi was sent to the chopping block, but was saved by a novice.
Shortly afterwards, with a number of the guild occupied with the rebellion, Nick returned to kidnap Syian, taking her to deadside. Syian and Kazinishi fought Nick in a low level of Hell, while Lumien and Shaylar worked desperately to send him to th ninth circle. They succeeded, but Syian disappeared. Despite a hard search, Kazinishi was unable to rescue her, and blames himself for her supposed death.
The Familiar
Kazinishi's familiar is a 30cm long scorpion called Masamuné, named after the great Japanese swordmaker. His venom is deadly to anyone who is not pure of heart. It is in itself harmless to those who are good, but may still knock them unconscious. He is much more rational and level-headed than Kazinishi, but in truth, this is merely a reflection of a little-used part of Kazinihsi's mind, which needed to become flesh in order to make its voice heard. Masamuné began as a figment of Kazinishi's imagination, but took on flesh from the vestiges of latent magic in Kazinishi's weapons, and hence is composed of his master's love, care, attention to detail, and rationality.