Safe places for teachers to drink vast quantities of beer in the Greenwich area

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Unsurprisingly teachers in the Greenwich/Lewisham area find themselves incredibly stressed and overworked. Here are a few ideas for places that are fairly safe to drink in these two areas. Some of my personal favs are included at the bottom!

Richard III (locally known as the Tolly)

Great beer garden in the summer. Some good beers and as an added bonus the outside has those strangegas burners that make the outside as toasty as the inside. A bit of an old mans pub but great if you want to get away from the thousands (read 2) of tourist in the Greenwich area this year.

The Auctionneer

A real 'yoof' pub if you know what I mean, loud, full of sixth formers. Plays MTV on little TV's all around the place. If you like bottled beer (especially around the back of your head at closing) then this is the pub for you.

The Firkin

What more can I say? Its a firkin Firkin. Full of students but good for a pint of Dog Bolter before going into the cinema (helpful hint, the pub is near the cinema).

The Mitre

Uninspiring pub next to the church in the centre of Greenwich.
Handy for the NatWest cash point across the road and has a graveyard next to it for a spot of after drinks dessicration or just a desparately needed whizz down the dark alley in between.

The Gypsy Moth

Right by the Cutty Sark
Massive pub with a riverside feel to it. Shame about the miserable service and the miserable staff, (except the nice looking one with the dark hair). Dont but anything but bottled beer as they dont clean their pipes.

The Trafalgar

Home of the Friday night piss up and the end of term do.
A great pub with excellent staff and a massive selection of Vodka's from around the world.

Can get very full after about 8 o clock on a weekend. Some University lecturers hang out their and ponce about but no students (they can't afford to drink there). Some very good live music from time to time).

The Cutty Sark

A good pub for primary school teachers, dark low ceilings and home made chairs (from beer barrels, surprisingly comfy). A kind of DIY, Blue Peter type of place.

If you have scrolled down the tlist this far then I will reward you with some unknown gems.

Hither Green

My personal local is THE STATION opposite Hither Green station.
A chain pub (Barass) but an excellent place to go drinking. Large area leads to a no smoke atmosphere (so no puritans on your back), excellent service and they will let you play the "Can I have one each of the funny coloured alcho pops?" game!

The Greenwich tavern

A real locals only pub but if you go a few times and survive then you will be welcomed with open arms. Ask to play Prakash at pool, if you want a lesson.

The Plume of Feathers

In East Greenwich
A great pub which has an excellent quiz night on a Wednesday.
Go Star spotting for locals such as Malcom Harding the comedian and Jools Holland. Local pub. Local Lads done well.

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