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Exams. Similar to external exams in that they involve large levels of stress for school pupils in 4th year or above but different in that they are completely meaningless. They are stuck in the middle of the course and disrupt everyone's classes, they are meant to give us an idea of how we're getting on but with internal assessment on the rise they are simply an extra hassle for teachers and pupils alike.
The above is a legitimate point of view but some would find it rather too harsh, some would argue that pre-lims are a worthwhile exercise to give the pupil experience of an exam situation and bring them back to the harsh reality of school life.
What do i think? Well i don't think i'm really qualified to think anything since i'm sitting here typing this when my first pre-lim is 8 days away and i have done barely any revision. An attitude i might add which typifies the modern school pupil, we'd rather get drunk or laid, preferably both.

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