Mind Pollution
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Mind pollution n. The syndrome resulting of failure to practice mental hygiëne; indoctrination; the dumping of mental excesses in the cognitive environment.
How to practice mental hygiëne
- Stay alert of dangerously unrealistic memes.
- Do not watch, or listen to, toothpaste commercials - ever.
- If an idea sounds really great, and you wonder why you never thought of it, be very careful. Repeat it in different words for at least 3 times, and see if it still sounds as rational.
- Laugh insanely, or frown, while watching CNN. Remember, any really important world issue won't show up there.
- Trust only very drunk people. The romans did.
- Try not to be paranoïd - even if a secret conspiracy does exist, it's far too clever to fight against. The only people that may destroy the world are the stupid ones.
- Play chess. Do not Fake chess.
Or indoctrination? No matter what, you will be manipulated in your life. What matters is how you feel about it. So choose to discover your own interests and schools of thought. The best teacher in the world is yourself. Talk to him - ask him. He may not know everything, but you may learn to value him. And selfrespect is the best education anyone can have.