Mark Knopfler

1 Conversation

Damn he's good. Ex-teacher Mark used to play in a pub band called the 'Cafe Racers' until a mate suggested that they call it 'Dire Straits'. And the rest they say is history. Mark learnt how to play his guitar by studying the bluegrass style. By plucking the strings, he could get more effects and a crisper sound. Always known to be a perfectionist (he kicked his brother out of the band because he 'wasn't good enough'.)</p>
Born August 12, 1949 in Glasgow, Scotland, Knopfler spent most of his early career as a teacher, and a journalist, with the pub band coming a close second.</p>
<img src="" width="170" height="220">
Knopfler has written music for several films such as Local Hero, Wag the Dog and Cal (what d'you mean you havent seen them?). After Dire Straits went their seperate ways he became more of a session musician, working often with Sonny Landreth and other talented musicians (hey I said he was a perfectionist).</p>
Since leaving Dire Straits, he has done a duel album with Chet Atkins (ask your dad) and formed a band called the 'Notting Hillybillies'. The band flopped and Mark went back to solo work and is know semi-retired.</p>
Watching Mark Knopfler live is always entertaining. He usually has his guitars behind him stretching as far as the eye can see. Also, he has god knows how many pedals, knobs, dials and other assorted equipment which all have to played at the same time.</p>
Look, just go and buy either one of his albums or get a Dire Straits album... On second thought, your parents might already have one.</p>
Reccomended Albums:</p>
Local Hero</p>
Golden Heart</p>
Neck & Neck (With Chet Atkins)</p>
Despite not doing any work for nearly a decade, Dire Straits never officially broke up. So there is always a hope that there will be a comeback gig someday...

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