The Planet Spaloon

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Spaloon is located about 400 light years from Earth, lying nearby a handy hyperspace bypass. The planet gained notoriety when it was discovered that meteoroids in the meteoroid belt circling its small moon, Fro, were all carved in the shape of drinking glasses. After landing on the planet, scientists could find no explination for the enigma and it was to be chalked up to "Pretty neat." That was until the dicovery of the remains of a humanoid, rock blasting tools, and a small self contained modular artist's residence were found in the area where the sceintists' space craft had landed. Fro is now covered with a variety of really good bars, and most of the meteoroids are covered in neon signs proclaiming which bars serve the most dangereous Pan Galactiv Gargle Blasters. Great place to mee fellow hitchhikers. Spaloon is kind of cool too, and has some great rehabilitation clinics. Populated by Hermie, who are an upbeat species and like to dance, although they are genetically bad at personal relationships. See entry for 'Hermie.'

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