Music: Nirvana

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Nirvana: an eastern Earth philsophical state of non-being where unfortunatly no one says, "whoa, the wallpaper is moving!"

Nirvana: a western Earth philisophical state of noise pop/grunge/punk where fortunatly there is always someone saying "whoa the wallpaper is moving!" (although it is generally just peeling from the high decibels and frequencies used in achieving this state.)

Nirvana (western Earth) is (or was, depending on what state you are currently in) Kurt Cobain (guitar, vocal), Krist Novoselic (bass, occasional yodeling), and Dave/Chad/Dale/Dan/Aaron,etc...(drums) ...and some guys (Jason and Pat) who played rhythem guitar for one tour each.

Experience the sound for yourself, go steal yourself a copy of Bleach, Neverming, In Utero, Unplugged in New York (they were still plugged in?!), or From The Muddy Banks of The Wishka. (Alcohol not included.)

***for further info, see Seattle, Melvins, Sonic destruction of a beaver's natural habitat, or anyhing else I might have missed, ignored, or otherwise misquoted, spelled, or blatantly altered beyond regognition to fit my petty will.

8-) http:\\

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