Isca Obscura

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Familiar:Silver fox (thats to say like an artic fox, white/gray in winter, muddy brown in summer)
Appearance:Pretty but doen't stand out in a crowd, pale complexion, short black hair, green eyes, slim boyish build. Hates her purple robes and wears clothes of softer pale blues and grays beneath them.
Extra Abilities:Linguist,Strong-willed

Isca Obscura is a young inexperienced member of the Magicians Guild. She is very nervous around the great lords and ladies of the guild.

Isca comes from Imardin's slums. Her family are poor but honest and were very proud when she was accepted into the guild, but she still feels out of place. She has a large family some of whom have shady connections she'd rather not know about. One brother is a hitman.

Her studies are going reasonably well, and she has a natural aptitude for illusions, subtle emotion-affecting magic, and spells involving manipulation of moonlight and shadow, and of fogs and mists. However she hates weapon training and so far has proved clumsy and inept with them. Nonetheless she is determined to master them.

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