The kitten's scrapbook

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The world's a terribly beautiful place! That is, terrible and beautiful. Success consists in surviving in it. Goodness consists in not stepping on more toes than you strictly have too.

Humans are interesting animals, like lions and ants. Well, maybe most are more like ants.

The main difference between misantrophs and misogynists is that the first may be rather decent and inoffensive individuals, while the latter are always a******s. No exception.

No matter how abject and profuse the apologies for being born the wrong colour, wrong sex, on the wrong continent, to the wrong history, extremists will never be appeased. So it just isn't worth the bother to try.

Not even handing over all your dough will be enough to compensate the grievances of those who think the world owes them something for their forebears sufferings. It's not that they won't take your mazuma fast enough, but they'll spit you in the face anyway. Not worth the expense. Rather spend it on sweets. Sweets are great for your peace of mind. Even if you do believe in collective historical guilt.

This kitten thinks political activism of any coleur is not so much about justice, clean air, animal rights and the general good but rather against anybody with a differing opinion. The kitten thinks that political agendas are as self serving as the wrongs they purport to right. The kitten is obviously a cynic. Incongruous thing to be if you're a ball of fluff, but there it is.

US-Administration and multiculty weenies: One thinks every adversary can be overcome by the same means (big bombs) and methods (tech war). The others think we can all live together in one big happy family ever after. They're both wrong.

Once I thought I owned that elusive absolute truth, but turned out I didn't. That came as a shock to me and made me clean drop my MRL(Moral-Rocket-Launcher). It fell on my foot. In moments of intense irritation I catch myself pawing around for the thing again.

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