Sucide bombers and their victims.

1 Conversation

Listening to the news each morning, one hears again and again that another suicide bomber has blown himself up in Iraq or Afganistan, taking many people with him as he left this life and journeyed into heaven.

It is very hard for a modern Westerners to consider being a martyr for a cause. However, I am sure that during the last World Wars, similar things happened. What comes to mind is the French Resistance and The Struggle in Northern Ireland.

According to loosely interpretations of the Koran, when you give up your life for the Jihad, you will be rewarded by entering heaven. The families of the suicide bombers are proud of them. They boast and laugh and feel sure that they have gone to a better place.

But, shouldn't we also consider the 'innocent' civialians blown up in these attacks? Do they also go to heaven? They out number the suicide bomber, sometimes 30 to 1. Should they be considered martyrs? Should they be celebrated on street walls in billboards and in family homes in Bagdad and Kabul? It is the people that carry on with their lives, ignoring the continual threat of being blown up by just looking for a job; attending a funeral or just going shopping to a local market.

Presently, it is only the suicide bomber that is considered the hero, the freedom figher and the martyr. Should the victims of these attacks also be honoured?

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