Latin Sentences for use in Conversation - Part One
Created | Updated Oct 15, 2007
salve [SAL-weh] - hello (to one person)
salvete [sal-WEH-teh] - hello (to more than one person)
vale [WA-leh] - goodbye (to one person)
valete [wa-LEH-teh] - goodbye (to more than one person)
salvusne es? [sal-WOOS-nes] - Are you well? (to a man)
salvane es? [sal-WA-nes] Are you well? (to a woman)
For these, change final "us" to "a" if you are female:
sum salvus [sum-SAL-wus] - I am well
sentior optimus [SEN-tyo-ROP-tim-us] - I feel excellent
non sum salvus [NOHN-sum-SAL-wus] - I'm not well
sentior aegrissimus [SEN-tyo-raig-RIS-si-mus] - I feel terrible
quid est nomen tuum? [KWID-est-NOH-men-TOO-um] - What is your name?
nomen meum est... [NOH-men-MEH-west] - My name is...
unde es? [OON-des] - Where are you from?
sum de... [SOOM-deh] - I'm from...
...Anglia [ANG-glyah] - ...England
...Finibus Copulatis Americae [FEE-ni-BOOS-co-pul-AHT-is-am-EH-ri-kai] ...the USA (literally Associated Territories of America)
...Hibernia [hi-BE-rnyah] - Ireland
Canada and Australia remain the same.